Sunday, January 31, 2016

Anime Reviews

    Here we will list our anime reviews. You will be able to request anime here. In order to create a page you must have privileges to do so. You must be a part of a review team, moderator, admin, or higher to create a page. You can still post your rating/review in the comments. The deciding factor will be decided upon the majority ratings from users and team members. If you disagree with ratings, then please post your review and rating. We will review all comments and ratings based on the reviews. If you are not part of the staff team, the just post your review in the comments and we will go over it and decide whether or not to add it into the reviews. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the reviews!

Oni Chichi (Hentai Series)

Oni Chichi (Hentai Series)
Oni Chichi (OVA) October 30, 2009 - May 28, 2010
 "2 Episodes"

Oni Chichi 2 (OVA) October 29, 2010 - November 26, 2010
 "2 Episodes"

Oni Chichi: Re-birth (OVA) April 28, 2011
 "1 Episode"

Oni Chichi: Re-born (OVA) December 22, 2011 - December 28, 2012
 "2 Episodes"

Oni Chichi 2: Revenge (OVA) 2013
 "2 Episodes"

Oni Chichi: Rebuild (OVA) August, 2014 - December 26, 2014
 "3 Episodes"

Oni Chichi 2: Harvest (OVA) January 1, 2015
 "1 Episode"

Oni Chichi: Refresh (OVA) August 15, 2015
 "2 Episodes"

Oni Chichi Summary
Started off as a pc game which later turned into a Hentai OVA series. Each series is based around a father and his daughters. In each series the father can't help himself but lust over each of his daughters. In the beginning of each series the daughter would try and fight it, but eventually would develop secret desires to sleep with her father in which she cannot express. In each scenario, the father forcefully rapes each daughter and eventually each daughter submits to sexual urges.   

Saturday, January 30, 2016



April 6, 2006September 28, 2006
Episodes - 26

   Inukami is an anime which was based on a light novel. The anime focuses on Keita Kawahira and his Inukami Yoko. Together they fight evil who threaten the lives of others. Most of the evil they fight are evil spirits who usually linger until their purpose has been fulfilled, or unless they are defeated.

Eventually we see other Inukami who come into the picture. Each Inukami is unique in some way and have special abilities different from one another. Inukami also have the ability to take on human form. 

Yoko doesn't like working in groups. Yoko is very different than the other inukami (mainly because she's not really an Inukami. But I will get to that later). Yoko is very jealous and selfish. Yoko loves having what she wants and will punish Keita any time he tries to flirt with any girl that is not her. Keita tries to avoid flirting with Yoko, because he always imagines his children looking like puppies rather than a human child. Every time Keita feels that life might not be so bad with Yoko as a wife, he then imagines his children as puppies.

Keita does care about Yoko deep down inside, though he vaguely expresses how he feels about Yoko. Later in the series you'll see signs of him caring for Yoko deep down inside. He is later questioned for seeming cold to Yoko, or not caring about what happens to her, but even Yoko knows Keita trusts her abilities. Keita knows how strong Yoko is and that she will not be defeated. Keita and Yoko have that kind of bond that they can trust each other's abilities.

Yoko is not an Inukami, but a Kitsune (Fox Spirit). She was chosen to be an Inukami because the others new it would be the best way to tame her so she wouldn't end up like her father and create destruction. Yoko is unrivaled with both spiritual and physical strength, so the other Inukami become jealous of her. Though, when the other Inukami confront her with a battle to end it all, she comes out on top and easily beats them.
Yoko only transforms twice in the anime series. She never transforms for the reason that she is afraid Keita wouldn't want to be around her if he seen her transformation (her Kitsune form). Yoko loves Keita and is afraid of losing him. She tries so hard to gain his attention throughout the series. Even though she is selfish, she still cares about Keita and tries desperately to gain his affection. She puts her life on the line to protect him in the anime series.
Keita eventually shows his feelings towards Yoko in the end. In the end you no longer see his mental vision of his kids looking like puppies. You see him express his feelings towards Yoko. The ending was very nice. The story was wonderful and had a beautiful ending. Everything was summed up in the end.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Rules and Guidelines!

1. Must be over 18 years of age to post or join this site!

2. No form of harassment is allowed on this site!

3. Do not spam ( or flood ) this site!

4. Do not reveal information that could jeopardize someone's life or money ( no giving out phone numbers, bank account info, social security, home addresses, or any other info that can damage someone's life, identify, or funds ).

5. Do not ask for personal information like gender or age unless the user consents. If they do not, then do not keep asking. We do not want to push people off our site. We want people to feel happy and welcomed here. You don't even have to tell me anything that might make you feel uncomfortable. Just because I am an admin, does not mean I could push my authority. I respect all users and their wishes. Do not let any moderator or admin make you feel pressured into revealing personal info. Just because they have authority does not give them the right to exceed that authority. You may message or any other admin, or moderator if someone has broken rule number 5.

6. No clone accounts allowed! Only 1 name per person. Anyone creating clone accounts will be banned!

7.  Do not defile a topic. Respect other people's topics. If you do not like someone's topic, then that does not mean you can go in and crash their topic. If you must, then reply on the review about how you felt about that anime, visual novel, or game. Don't just go in there and say, "everyone who watched that anime deserves to die", because that would be mean/rude and would end up with a ban.

8. Respect others opinions. If you do not like what someone has to say, then ignore it. Just because you hate the color blue/green/red/etc. does not mean you can bad mouth someone for it.

9. Keep to the topic! Do not start talking about hunting or other things that do not relate to someone's topic. If you go off topic for a little bit and have a reason for it, then please make sure you get right back on topic, because people go to topics to learn or discuss how they feel about anime, visual novels, and games. If someone is reading about hunting trips, vacations, etc. then how is that going to help them to learn or discuss a review?

News Update

In this section we will be posting new updates for this site. Since this site is new, there wont be a whole lot written here just yet. We will let everyone know of any changes or upgrades to this site through this post.

0.1 update:  We added the feature to allow all everyone post, whether a guest or a registered user. You may now post under anonymous if you feel uncomfortable using a name.

0.2 update: We now have a permanent redirect page to represent our home page. Until we add a main page with tabs, this will have to do for now. Since this site isn't big enough yet, this will have to do.

Woohoo! We now have webhosting on this site, but it will take awhile before we are added into search engines.

We are now accepting blog positions. So those who would like to help make this site better, feel free to go to the recruitment page and apply!

January 30, 2016

0.3 update: Tabs were added making the blog much cleaner.

0.4 update: Fixed permanent redirect page connecting to the home page tab.

January 31, 2016

Our site is now much easier to find on the search engine! More results have been added!

0.5 update: Fixed the lables so multiple posts can be entered under the same tab.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Blog Recruitment

This page will allow you to apply for various positions on our blog. Please leave information like: Name, age, profession/skills, etc...  You don't have to reveal gender or real name. We believe that certain information should not have to be revealed, for we are a site that respects privacy.

Do not ask other members for personal information if they do not wish to discuss that! Respect everyone's privacy!

Do not ask for identity information ( like contact phone numbers, social security numbers, banking numbers and anything that can jeopardize someone's life ). You have been warned!

So, please reply in detail on this page any skills that you possess. Also, please type in a position that you would like. We are always looking for volunteers.

Otaku Anime Kings General Blog

     Hi, this is Komishiro welcoming you all here to Otaku Anime Kings. This blog is brand new and is going to be based around anime, visual novels, games, and 3d hentai games, which means that you must be over 18 years of age to participate in discussions on this site. We will be doing reviews on anime, games, and visual novels of all kinds. We are not a manga review site ( even though manga is highly loved, we are more focused around anime and visual novels ). If you want to review a regular game ( non-hentai ), then that game most be focused around doujin or anime. That means we will not be reviewing a lot of JRPG's unless they are based on an anime or doujin. Any 3d Hentai game may be reviewed.

We will vote a score of how well anime is, of course. The better the score, the higher the rating the anime will have. I will not base ratings on my own opinions ( like other sites do ). That would not be fair to the rest of the community. Instead, I will allow everyone here to vote on how good they believe that anime to be. That will then conclude how official are rating system is. Most 3rd party sites and companies will usually give an unofficial rating. But, we are going to go by all kinds of people's opinions to gather up a respectful score.

If you are not happy with how well an anime is rated, then you may rate the anime the way you see fit. But, if the mass opinions all conclude a certain rating, then you are obviously the one person that doesn't like the anime and that will not change the final score. That is why we need to gather multiple opinions before deciding. Please do not write simpleton comments about the anime. Make sure you add depth to your opinions, otherwise it will look like some kind cheesy reason to why you do not like the anime. Do not say stuff like, "I don't like this anime because the guy doesn't get the girl", or "I don't like this anime because none of the characters have colorful hair colors" ( does all anime really have to be based on pink, blue, green, etc... hair color? ). Not all anime is going to have wild hair styles. A lot of anime out there have brown or black hair colors, actually. Sometimes you'll get 1 anime character that will have pink hair and the rest will have bland hair styles/colors. But, that matters not, only on how well the character was developed.

Even though I'm not a major slice of life fan, there are a couple that I really like, but whether I do or don't like slice of life matters not, because I wont judge it horribly just because of what I think about it. It should be decided among the community.

We will also elect candidates for certain positions. If multiple people like how someone writes a review, then that person will be elected as an anime reviewer. We will need a few of those to write the reviews. I will not be writing the reviews unless it's an anime that I feel I must. Remember to ask first before writing a review. There are a few anime that I few I would personally like to write, myself. But, I will still let people vote on it. Don't let my review change how you feel about an anime. I'm not trying to get anyone to like or dislike an anime. All I want to do is write my opinion on how I felt about it.

As far as the positions go, we'll need positions like: Council President, Council Vice President, Council Chairman, Council Supervisor, Senior Anime Reviewer, Anime Reviewer, Senior Visual Novel Reviewer, Visual Novel Reviewer. Senior Video Game Reviewer, Video Game Reviewer, Moderators, etc...

With permission you may create topics and reviews. Thank you and please feel free to reply.